Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cinematic Adventures... Gone Bad !!!!!

So we went to this nice new theater, Preston, Gracie and myself, to watch The Grudge 2. When we were buying our tickets there were a couple groups of 4-5 kids just chat-chitting (yea, I flipped 'em around - they're just words, they don't control us!) and laughing all loud and whatnot - you know, just being 14-16 yr olds.

We're the first one's in the theater, so we get our favorite seats, the ones right behind the bar so we can put our feet up. Gracie sits in the middle, we all share a large Coke and chili-cheese notchos and wait for the previews. 2 and 3 at a time, all of the loud kids pile in and go to the back 5 rows. they're so loud you can't even hear what they're saying - it's just a roar.

The previews start and they're still talking, less of them now, so you can follow their conversation - stupid immature he said she said, "...did you see what she was wearing at school yesterday..." bullshit. Preston and I don't like to cause a scene, we like to think people in general, no matter how old, have the common curtecy and respect for others to shut-the-fuck-up when the movie starts - but they don't.

Some woman behind us said, "shut-up!" They didn't. 10 minutes into the movie, Preston finally yelled, "SHUT-UP!!!!!!" They just laughed. They got a little quieter, but couldn't hold their laughs in and started chatting again.

Preston went to ask what can be done to the girl taking the tickets, she just smiled and laughted a little, "Oh, yeah, that'll happen," and didn't do anything about it. He sat down and we just tried to watch, but throught the scary parts, there was so much conversation going on, that even the really loud suspenceful music didn't properly prepare out scences and we didn't jump or get scared!

Finally, 30 munutes into the movie, I screamed, "SHUT-UP!!!" Preston asked if I wanted to leave and we got up. W/ Gracie walking infront of me, I looked up at them and said, "My 4 year old behaved better than you kids." (Too bad I couldn't think of anything else better to say, I think I came off sounding like an old adult )

We talked to the manager, he fed us a line about how sorry he was, and how he sent someone in to get them to quiet down (he didn't) and gave us our money back. When we got outside, we finally started to calm down. We praised Gracie for being a good girl. She said, "those kids were being bad, they need to go to time-out!"

We went and got ice cream and Cold Stone and felt better!

Fuckin' kids!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

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Oh My God ... I Had A Blast!!!

I went with Morgan to see Eric Hutchinson at the Aggie Theater in Fort Collins, CO. I had so much fun!

We showed up at 7 pm and he came on at 7:30pm. He played my favorite songs ("All Over Now" "Food Chain" and "Rock and Roll")

We were standing next to a group of guys that were being goofy ... posing in our pictures and dancing dumb, while a couple were trying to get with this girl with the BEST smile I've ever seen! But I didn't get a picture.


After the show we met him in the front and he signed my poster to me (Morgan was going to ask him to sign it to both of us, but she's sweet and knew how excited I was). He also posed for a picture with us =)

posed with us.jpg


Link to my photos:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Best Rockies Game Ever!!!

Preston has been working so hard! He broke 3 Palo Alto Taco Bell records (Palo Alto is the company managing the Taco Bells in the whole state of California, Colorado, and maybe the states in between).

1.) drive through time of 50 seconds (avg. 1 min 35 sec)
2.) front counter time of 1 min (avg. 2 min 50 sec)
3.) best C.H.A.M.P.S. score, of 90% (book with records of food temp, etc.) (I guess no one does it as much or as efficiently as Preston, to have a lower %)

Because of this, he received a $100 bonus, a raise, and 4 Rockies tickets.
The owner of Palo Alto owns half of the Rockies, along with his friend (the owner knows and likes Preston... enough that he'd go talk to Preston instead of Paulo, the one acting manager for 8 yrs)

We got HIS tickets... front row behind the Rockies' dugout.

our view from front row_thumb.jpg


We were shocked and amazed, the tickets say Section 123, Row 5, Seat 8, so we didn't know where that was, but no way it was FRONT ROW!

We were enjoying the game, and all the little kids would come down and beg for balls over the dugout. One player looked over and saw Olivia, looked up at me, and tossed US a ball.

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I've never gotten a ball at a game... but I've always sat up too high in the stands.

We were having a blast! we brought our friend Amber who works at Taco Bell with Preston. It was her 1st game ever, it was so cool!

Amber and I_thumb.jpg

Preston went to go get a water. It was the 7th inning stretch, they had everyone get up and dance. Me and Amber stood up and looked at the jumbotron.... we were on it... OH MY GOD, it was amazing....


... but I didn't get a picture fast enough :(

It was the bast day we've had in a long time!

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Gracie had a chance to play with her cousins who live 4 hours away from us, so we knew she'd rather go swimming and hang out with them than go to a baseball game. I have pictures of her having a ball!